sponsor a child
Mum and daughter in Nicaragua

The Lord is my strength

"But those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31


“I love being at the [Compassion] project, to me they are like the siblings I don’t have. My tutors help me and I am thankful for that.” 16-year-old Merling lives in León city, Nicaragua. She’s been part of her Compassion project for 13 years, but is as enthusiastic as ever when it comes to project days.

Before Merling joined, her mum, Angela, was holding down several jobs. With no one else to watch her, Angela was forced to take Merling with her. The environments where she worked were not suitable for a young child; so you can imagine the huge sense of relief she felt when she could take Merling to the project.

“Merling spent three afternoons at the project and I was happy because she had food and was cared for while I was working. The [Compassion] project is good. It has helped me to take her forward. One dollar a day [Angela’s earnings] is nothing and some days I cannot make it. Our life would be harder if the project wasn’t here. Thanks to God and the project, my daughter has succeeded,” expresses Angela.

Now that Merling is older, she continues spending her time at the project where she assists the tutors preparing their lessons and crafts. She also helps out in the kitchen where she loves making puddings, a skill she learnt during a pastry workshop at the project.

In her fourth year of high school, Merling has learnt to put her trust in God and knows with His help, she will succeed. Thanks to this, she is able to dream big. “I want to finish high school and find a job to be able to pay for my university studies. I will work to find a place of my own and help my mum so she doesn’t get too tired. I want to be a great professional; I want to be a lawyer, have my own office!”

Prayer: Father, we thank you that our hope is in you. Today we pray for children and young people like Merling, we pray that you’ll continue to strengthen them as they work towards achieving their dreams.



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