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Children running in Nicaragua

Reflection from the field: faith test

Many of us think we “know” what faith means. When it is time to put our faith in action, however, it’s another story. Honestly, I have failed the faith test many times, but God’s mercy helps me to stand up again and again.

At Compassion, we regularly get together to pray. A staff member once asked for prayer for a child’s critical health. She said, “I know this is a group of anointed people, and God will hear your prayer.” We prayed, and healing came to the child’s body. God did it again! We rejoiced and our faith was strengthened.

No doubt many difficulties have come along in this ministry. But God has placed anointed men and women like you who stand with confidence that God is in control to pray over the millions of children who will be released from poverty in Jesus’ name.

God is there for you; trust Him!

“Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Hebrews 11:1

Prayer: Help us, Father, to trust in You even when we don’t see a way out. Amen!

By Orfa Cerrato, Field Communications Specialist for Compassion Nicaragua


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