sponsor a child
Bhorsha is wearing a green dress with a floral print. She is standing in front of a bamboo wall and is holding food she received from the Compassion centre.

Tax Relief: A Simple Choice That Can Do Even More

It only takes a few moments to tax relief your donations. But it can make a huge difference.



Tax Relief: A Simple Choice That Can Do Even More

It only takes a few moments to tax relief your donations. But it can make a huge difference.

When you choose to sign up for tax relief, charities receive an extra 45% on top of your donation, provided you’re eligible, and you’ve given a minimum of €250 in any given year. All we need is a moment of your time to complete the CHY3 enduring certificate, and we can claim tax relief on your donations for five years at no extra cost to you.  

For many of us, deciding to tax relief our donations is as easy as signing a form. But for the children and families Compassion serves, that simple decision can be a lifeline. 

Complete your form


Your tax relief is valuable and is used to support children and families where the needs are greatest.  

Tax relief funds have been used to support unsponsored children

Twelve-year-old Stephen from Uganda has been part of Compassion’s programme since he was seven. Initially, he was sponsored quickly, but sadly, when the sponsors had to cancel, he spent a year waiting for another loving person to come alongside him.  

Thanks to the Unsponsored Child Fund, Stephen continued to receive the life-changing support he needed to thrive.  

Stephen sits with his mum as they read the Bible together.

“What I love the most at the project are the teachers,” says Stephen. “I like Uncle Geoffrey. He taught me about the story of Noah. It is my favourite Bible story.”   

Stephen’s mum, Marie, had peace of mind, even when Stephen was waiting for another sponsor. “The project has helped me a lot. Now, Stephen is never chased away from school because he does not have the school fees.”  

Protecting farming families in Uganda through the Global Food Crisis

The Karamoja region in Uganda has become known for cattle raiders. These men raid villages with guns and steal the livestock. The government has been disarming them, but they continue to terrorise communities.

“In March this year, we heard for the first time these cattle raiders are not only taking cattle but also household items, and killing males in the family, so they don’t retaliate,” says Deborah, a staff member from one of our frontline church partners.

Alice's father Eli has tried to protect his family throughout food insecurity, crop failure and inflation.

“The insecurity and inflation have been tough here, and hunger has intensified. Now, these raiders have made it a habit to raid and rob people, looking for food.”

Eli and his family were victims of these raiders. The robbery left them with little means to survive.

“Prices have shot up. I need to spend at least $5.30 (€5.02) on my family, but I cannot afford it. I am the breadwinner here, and everyone expects me to provide, but everything is expensive,” says Eli.

“When my business was running, I would manage to take care of my family. But now, I am renting a Boda [motorcycle transport] to earn a living and can hardly afford $2.60 (€2.46) to sustain my family. Sometimes we eat once a day.”

Eli is talking to Deborah from the local Compassion project.

Eli was able to receive food from Compassion after the raid, as he did in previous times when his family was in need. He received 20kg of flour and 13kg of beans. This food was a great relief.

While times are dangerous and challenging, hope is not lost. Thanks to your tax relief, donations from across the world, and the care of our local church partners help is on the way.

Sparking hope through sponsorship

In the last year, tax relief has enabled us to find sponsors for 322 children in poverty, linking them with the support of their local church and sparking hope that their futures will be free from poverty.

Compassion’s church-based programme protects children from the dangers of poverty such as gangs, trafficking and child marriage. It restores their childhoods and enables them to dream for the future. One confident young girl who has been equipped by her local church and sponsor is 17-year-old Sistince from Indonesia.

Sistince from Indonesia writing a letter

“I have a dream for my future,” she shares. “I want to be a doctor because being a doctor is a noble act. The project staff know about my dream of becoming a doctor, and they’re all very supportive. I want to become a children’s doctor because I really enjoy being with kids.

“I would advise other children to work hard at school and, of course, to keep leaning on God ... I think it's very important for girls to have an education and to go to school. There are some families here who have daughters who don’t have the chance to go to school because the family cannot economically afford the fees. I’m so grateful that I was given the chance by the Lord to join [the Compassion] project. Through the project, I can be provided with things that help me do well at school.”

What your tax relief means

Lives are changed when you choose to tax-relief your donations.

If you sign up for tax relief today, over the five years, we’ll be able to claim around €810 from the Revenue at no cost to you.


How you can help

If you’re a taxpayer in Ireland and you’re donating more than €250 annually to Compassion Ireland, your donations could go 45% further with Tax Relief at no extra cost to you.

All you need to do is  fill out a CHY3 tax form.  It’s valid for five years and doesn’t commit you to make any donations in the future. It just means that you’ll allow us to claim tax back for any year you gave €250 or more within the past four years.   

Tax Relief enables your donations to go even further, supporting Compassion Ireland to empower project partners across the world to serve children and their families in poverty. Within a few minutes, you can help bring hope and positive change to children, their families, and sometimes to entire communities as well.   

If you have any questions or would like to learn more, please get in touch with us at info@compassion.ie. 

Compassion Ireland

Compassion International

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