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Egodine's Diary The Day Safe Water Came

Egodine’s Diary: The Day Safe Water Came

Eight-year-old Egodine tells us how much changed when a new borehole brought safe water to her community.


Compassion Stories

Egodine’s Diary: The Day Safe Water Came

Eight-year-old Egodine tells us how much changed when a new borehole brought safe water to her community.

My aunt Nina and I used to fetch water from a well or from the river when it rains, but it was not clean. Those who have money can buy clean water in town to drink because they don’t want to drink dirty water from open wells. But we had no choice. 

I heard my friends saying that the water from our old well is not sweet, and I was ashamed. 

Then one day, I heard a special announcement from Ezeckiel, the director of our Compassion project, that made my day.? 

He told us that the project will receive a new borehole which will give us safe water and beautiful handwashing facilities.? 

Egodine carries water with her Auntie Nina.I didn’t know what it would look like but my friends and I all clapped and danced!? 

I was so excited that there will be a new borehole at the project, not far from my home. I learned that a borehole is bigger than a house, and it stores clean water that people can fetch.? 

Getting a new borehole means that my aunt will fetch water easily. I can drink clean water and wash my hands to avoid diseases. Hurray! 

The Day that Construction Began

On a Friday evening, I heard a big noise of big trucks heading to the Compassion project.? 

I ran to the centre with my friends Jacqueline, Georgette and Osias to watch them. The strangers came from the capital city, and they looked tired and dirty because they spent three days travelling. Ezeckiel said that they were from the drilling company. They needed to rest at night and start the drilling early on Saturday. I was excited because Saturday is a project day, so I could watch their work while I was at the project.? 

There was a piece of brick where they would dig the borehole, and the trucks were parked near this water point at the back of the church building. I didn’t know how long their work would take, but I couldn’t wait to watch them. Children, adults, and the tutors at the project were all happy to see the trucks and the long blue pipes they carried.?

Egodine stands next to the drilling team working on digging a new borehole.

The Day of the Drilling

Early in the morning of the drilling day, many people stopped by to watch the drilling team working. There was huge smoke in the air as the trucks dug at the ground. The drilling was not easy. The workers were covered with red dust and mud.? 

The more they dug, the more the earth became wet. We were all in a hurry to see the first water. But around noon, the team had a break. The tutors struggled to keep us away from the place of drilling—we were all excited to see! It looked like a market day because many villagers came to watch the drilling. People were very excited about the construction process.?

The drilling team dig a borehole.
I clapped and shouted with joy. My friend Georgette was next to me, and later my aunt Nina came to take me home. I was amazed to watch the drilling of a borehole for the first time.

The Day We Got Water for the First Time

When we arrived, some children were playing near the church building, and the cooks were busy in the kitchen. The tutors welcomed us in the classrooms for a prayer time. From the window, I saw a woman filling a bucket from a water tap and I was amazed. The cooks usually fetch water from the old well by the church a day before.

During the teachings, Ezeckiel showed us how to use the water taps to get clean water. He said that there is a place for handwashing as well and that we will be using all the facilities from now on. It was easier to fill a bucket at the water tap than at the old well.

When I drank the water for the first time, it was light, fresh, and tasteless. I thanked God for the new borehole.

I thought,?“We are now like people in town!”?Everyone is happy that the Compassion project gives us clean water like in the big cities.

You can give safe water today

The Day We Celebrated!

The church leaders and our parents met around the borehole to celebrate and give thanks. The pastor prayed for the borehole and blessed the donors. The tutors showed people how to use and take care of the water taps.

There are so many taps! There are two taps by the roadside where people in the neighbourhood can get water. There are eight in the compound of the church where children like me can wash our hands and drink water during our days at the project. There is a tap at the kitchen for the cook.

Egodine holds a fresh glass of water.Thanks to the borehole, fetching water is easier, and our hands are cleaner. The cook can work easily, and everyone is happy.

The project is blessed to have a borehole, and Ezeckiel said that we will even start gardening next to the water tank.

The chief of the village planted a special tree to celebrate and dedicate the borehole, and I am happy to be one of the children allowed to water it. A committee was chosen to follow up on the use of the borehole to make sure that everyone cares for it and keeps it clean and working properly. 

People no longer need to buy drinking water in town. I’m happy to carry my small can of clean water home, walking with my aunt Nina.

If you’d like to give the gift of safe water to a child and their community, find out more today.

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Ana Rafaela

Joshua Sachay

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