sponsor a child

Writing to your sponsored child in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka

Discover helpful tips when writing to your sponsored child in Bangladesh and Sri Lanka.

India update

“On 15 March 2017, Compassion’s programmes in India will be closed. We are all deeply grieved by this and I want to say a heartfelt thank you to everyone who stood with us during this long and difficult journey. Compassion opened its doors in India in 1968 and we can gratefully reflect on all that’s […]

Second test for Irish sync

  By sponsoring a child with Compassion in 2017, you’ll make an incredible difference. You’ll bring stability and security to a child living in the vulnerability of poverty. From all of us at Compassion UK – thank you.   Your support will help your sponsored child to be: 1. Educated   Depending on where your sponsored […]

Becca test new

The third of 12 children to a single mum, Payima was enrolled into his local Compassion project in Nakura, Kenya, at the age of six. His mum Catherine shares, “My children slept hungry on numerous occasions. My meagre earnings of KSH. 2,000 (£15) a month as a peasant farmer could not meet their needs. The […]

Test by Sanjeev

Many of the children we work alongside go to extraordinary lengths to get to school. With their school fees and supplies provided by their sponsors, they’ll overcome remarkable challenges to get into the classroom and carry on learning.   7,000 steps down a mountain It’s 7.30 am. Lucia and her two grandchildren have already been walking for […]

cir sync

Cir sync

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